45 research outputs found

    Agricultural consulting service in South Muntenia region during 2009-2011

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    Agriculture is a branch with huge potential in Romanian economy. Its reorganization along with EU integration requires a series of actions in sense of modernization and production increase. Romania has a privileged position from point of view of agricultural resources. Arable land represents 39.5% of the total area and only five other countries in the world have a more comfortable position than that of our country. European funds that can be drawn by the Common Agricultural Policy - approximately 7.5 billion euros during 2007-2013, contribute to agricultural potential improvment. Full exploatation of the advantages of integration into the European Union could open new opportunities for Romanian farmers who can supply a population exceeding 80 million inhabitants. In conditions of a better absorption of EU funds with direct significant investment and with an appropriate government support, the productive potential of agriculture substantially increase. Agricultural Consulting Service has a significant role in agriculture modernizing through qualification and training activities for farmers, disseminating information on funds that can be accessed and news in the field, also can meet the claim of farmers, setting with these the sell strategies for marketing of products


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    Usually, in footwear technology the upper materials are backed with heat bonding textile materials in order to increase the tensile and tear strength and the thermal resistance of the entire structure due to higher thickness. The paper studies the effects of the backing with heat bonding textiles on air permeability, an important comfort characteristic. The influence of the heat bonding with lining on the air permeability was studied using 5 types of bovine leather for upper materials and 4 types of knitted and woven fabrics for lining. The method to determine the air permeability is relatively simple and known. The air flow passing through the sample fixed on the device with the face upward is measured for certain values for the pressure difference. The conclusion drawn from the experiment is somewhat surprising: the air permeability increases with the thickness. This contradicts the general behaviour of textile structures, for which the air permeability decreases with thickness


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    In this paper are presented the results regarding the biochemical composition of the 7 potato lines studied at Dăbuleni Research-Development Station for Plant Culture on Sands in conditions of thermo-hydric stress. The obtained results highlighted differentiations depending on the genotype and depending on the climatic conditions of the 2 years of study (2020-2021). A high content of total dry matter, above the average of 22.87% presented 4 of the 7 potato lines studied, the highest values being recorded at line L 1901/11 (27.09%). Starch, the main biochemical component of potato tubers, showed values between 12.86% in 2020 and 13.08% in 2021, the highest average values of starch content in tubers being determined in line L 1895/1. The vitamin C content was higher in all the lines studied in the climatic conditions of 2021 year

    Eritrodermie: între limfom cutanat și pityriasis rubra pilaris

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    Background. Erythroderma is defined as generalized erythema, which involves more than 90% of the skin surface. The most common causes are considered to be: psoriasis, post-drug allergic reactions, lymphoma/leukemia, atopic dermatitis, pityriasis rubra pilaris, infections (HIV, dermatophytosis). Objective of the study. Presentation of the clinical case of an erythrodermic patient, to illustrate the importance of establishing a correct diagnosis and treatment. Material and Methods. Retrospective clinical analysis of a clinical case. Results. The clinical case of a patient who, from the pathological anamnesis, suffers from type II diabetes mellitus, insulin-independent; grade II hypertension, high additional risk; CF II heart failure; chronic hepatitis of unidentified etiology. Dermatological status: chronic skin pathological process, exacerbated, inflammatory, generalized, skin infiltrate, with diffuse furfuraceous desquamation; at the level of the palms and soles there is moderate hyperkeratosis and superficial cracks. Skin biopsy revealed hyperkeratosis with alternating bands of orthokeratosis and parakeratosis; grows wide and short epidermal, with superficial perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate, stipulating the diagnosis of pityriais rubra pilaris. Axillary lymphatic ganglion puncture on the right specified the diagnosis of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Conclusion. In order to optimize the diagnosis and management of the erythrodermic patient, it is necessary to evaluate all possible etiologies, to exclude the development of severe complications. The dermatologist plays an essential role in the management of patients with erythroderma.Introducere. Eritrodermia este definită ca un eritem generalizat, care implică mai mult de 90% din suprafața cutanată. Cauzele cele mai frecvente sunt: psoriazisul, reacțiile alergice post-medicamentoase, limfomul/leucemia, dermatita atopică, pityriasis rubra pilaris și infecțiile (HIV, dermatofitozele). Scopul lucrării. Prezentarea cazului clinic a unui pacient eritrodermic, pentru ilustrarea importanței stabilirii unui diagnostic și tratament corect. Material și Metode. Analiza clinica retrospectiva a unui caz clinic. Rezultate. Se prezintă cazul clinic al unui pacient, care din anamneza patologică suferă de diabet zaharat tip II, insulino-independent; hipertensiune arterială gradul II, risc adițional înalt; insuficiență cardiacă CF II; hepatită cronică de etiologie neidentificată. Statutul dermatologic: procesul patologic cutanat cronic, în acutizare, inflamator, generalizat, infiltrat cutanat moderat, cu descuamare furfuracee difuză; la nivelul palmelor și plantelor - hiperkeratoză moderată și fisuri superficiale. Biopsia cutanată a evidențiat hiperkeratoză cu benzi alternante de ortokeratoză și parakeratoză; creste epidermale late și scurte, infiltrat limfocitar perivascular superficial, stipulând diagnosticul de pityriais rubra pilaris. Puncția ganglionului limfatic axilar pe dreapta a precizat diagnosticul de limfom non-Hodgkin. Concluzii. Pentru a optimiza diagnosticul și managementul pacientului eritrodermic, este necesară evaluarea tuturor cauzelor posibile, pentru a exclude dezvoltarea unor complicații severe. Dermatologul joacă un rol esențial în managementul pacienților cu eritrodermie


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Eritrodermia este definită ca un eritem generalizat, care implică mai mult de 90% din suprafața cutanată. Cauzele cele mai frecvente sunt: psoriazisul, reacțiile alergice post-medicamentoase, limfomul/leucemia, dermatita atopică, pityriasis rubra pilaris și infecțiile (HIV, dermatofitozele). Scopul lucrării. Prezentarea cazului clinic a unui pacient eritrodermic, pentru ilustrarea importanței stabilirii unui diagnostic și tratament corect. Material și Metode. Analiza clinica retrospectiva a unui caz clinic. Rezultate. Se prezintă cazul clinic al unui pacient, care din anamneza patologică suferă de diabet zaharat tip II, insulino-independent; hipertensiune arterială gradul II, risc adițional înalt; insuficiență cardiacă CF II; hepatită cronică de etiologie neidentificată. Statutul dermatologic: procesul patologic cutanat cronic, în acutizare, inflamator, generalizat, infiltrat cutanat moderat, cu descuamare furfuracee difuză; la nivelul palmelor și plantelor - hiperkeratoză moderată și fisuri superficiale. Biopsia cutanată a evidențiat hiperkeratoză cu benzi alternante de ortokeratoză și parakeratoză; creste epidermale late și scurte, infiltrat limfocitar perivascular superficial, stipulând diagnosticul de pityriais rubra pilaris. Puncția ganglionului limfatic axilar pe dreapta a precizat diagnosticul de limfom non-Hodgkin. Concluzii. Pentru a optimiza diagnosticul și managementul pacientului eritrodermic, este necesară evaluarea tuturor cauzelor posibile, pentru a exclude dezvoltarea unor complicații severe. Dermatologul joacă un rol esențial în managementul pacienților cu eritrodermie.Background. Erythroderma is defined as generalized erythema, which involves more than 90% of the skin surface. The most common causes are considered to be: psoriasis, post-drug allergic reactions, lymphoma/leukemia, atopic dermatitis, pityriasis rubra pilaris, infections (HIV, dermatophytosis). Objective of the study. Presentation of the clinical case of an erythrodermic patient, to illustrate the importance of establishing a correct diagnosis and treatment. Material and Methods. Retrospective clinical analysis of a clinical case. Results. The clinical case of a patient who, from the pathological anamnesis, suffers from type II diabetes mellitus, insulin-independent; grade II hypertension, high additional risk; CF II heart failure; chronic hepatitis of unidentified etiology. Dermatological status: chronic skin pathological process, exacerbated, inflammatory, generalized, skin infiltrate, with diffuse furfuraceous desquamation; at the level of the palms and soles there is moderate hyperkeratosis and superficial cracks. Skin biopsy revealed hyperkeratosis with alternating bands of orthokeratosis and parakeratosis; grows wide and short epidermal, with superficial perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate, stipulating the diagnosis of pityriais rubra pilaris. Axillary lymphatic ganglion puncture on the right specified the diagnosis of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Conclusion. In order to optimize the diagnosis and management of the erythrodermic patient, it is necessary to evaluate all possible etiologies, to exclude the development of severe complications. The dermatologist plays an essential role in the management of patients with erythroderma

    Tackling a VRP challenge to redistribute scarce equipment within time windows using metaheuristic algorithms

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    This paper reports on the results of the VeRoLog Solver Challenge 2016–2017: the third solver challenge facilitated by VeRoLog, the EURO Working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization. The authors are the winners of second and third places, combined with members of the challenge organizing committee. The problem central to the challenge was a rich VRP: expensive and, therefore, scarce equipment was to be redistributed over customer locations within time windows. The difficulty was in creating combinations of pickups and deliveries that reduce the amount of equipment needed to execute the schedule, as well as the lengths of the routes and the number of vehicles used. This paper gives a description of the solution methods of the above-mentioned participants. The second place method involves sequences of 22 low level heuristics: each of these heuristics is associated with a transition probability to move to another low level heuristic. A randomly drawn sequence of these heuristics is applied to an initial solution, after which the probabilities are updated depending on whether or not this sequence improved the objective value, hence increasing the chance of selecting the sequences that generate improved solutions. The third place method decomposes the problem into two independent parts: first, it schedules the delivery days for all requests using a genetic algorithm. Each schedule in the genetic algorithm is evaluated by estimating its cost using a deterministic routing algorithm that constructs feasible routes for each day. After spending 80 percent of time in this phase, the last 20 percent of the computation time is spent on Variable Neighborhood Descent to further improve the routes found by the deterministic routing algorithm. This article finishes with an in-depth comparison of the results of the two approaches

    Mucinoza papuloasă în sinteze clinice

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    Background. Lichen myxedematosus, also known as papular mucinosis is a rare skin pathology, with chronic and progressive evolution, characterized by the presence of mucin deposits on the skin. Objective of the study. Presentation of a rare clinical case in the medical practice of lichen myxedematosus in a detained patient. Material and Methods. The patient complained of disseminated skin lesions. From anamnesis the first lesions appeared about 5-6 months ago, on the limbs, without subjective sensations, which then spread. Objective and paraclinical examination were provided (general blood/urine analysis, coagulogram, biochemical analysis, RPR, viral hepatitis markers, thyroid hormones, abdominal ultrasonography, HIV test, histopathological examination). Results. Multiple erythematous, infiltrative, symmetrical grouped papules, having a diameter of 1-4 mm, with confluence tendency, were diffusely located on the face, trunk, extensible parts of the upper limbs and lower limbs. The patient was diagnosed HIV and HBs Ag positive. The thyroid function was normal and the rest of the investigations showed no considerable deviations. Histopathology examination revealed mucin deposits and fibroblast proliferation in the reticular dermis, the hypodermis; and a mild perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate. Conclusion. Early and correct diagnosis of lichen myxedematosus requires increased vigilance due to the possibility of association with extracutaneous manifestations and cancerous conditions. The diagnosis is based on four criteria: generalized papular and sclerodermoid lesions; mucin deposition, fibroblast proliferation, and fibrosis in the histopathology; monoclonal gammopathy and no thyroid disorders.Introducere. Lichenul mixedematos, cunoscut și sub numele de mucinoză papuloasă este o patologie cutanată rară, cu evoluție cronică, progresivă, caracterizată prin prezența depozitelor de mucină la nivelul pielii. Scopul lucrării. Prezentarea unui caz clinic rar întâlnit în practica medicală, de lichen mixedematos la un pacient aflat în detenție. Material și Metode. A fost examinat pacientul cu acuze la leziuni cutanate diseminate. Anamnestic primele leziuni au apărut aproximativ cu 5-6 luni în urmă, pe membre, fără senzații subiective, care mai apoi au diseminat. A fost examinat obiectiv și paraclinic (analiza generală a sângelui/urinei, coagulograma, analiza biochimică, RPR, markerii hepatitei virale, hormonii tiroidieni, ultrasonografia abdominală, testul la HIV, examen histopatologic). Rezultate. Obiectiv se atestă multiple papule eritematoase, infiltrative, simetrice, grupate, cu diametrul de 1-4 mm, cu tendință spre confluere, localizate difuz pe față, trunchi, părțile extensorii a membrelor superioare, membrele inferioare. A fost depistat HIV pozitiv și Ag HBs pozitiv. Funcția tiroidiană în normă; restul investigațiilor fără devieri considerabile. La examenul histopatologic s-au determinat depozite de mucină, proliferare fibroblastică în dermul reticular și hipoderm; infiltrat limfocitar perivascular ușor. Concluzii. Stabilirea precoce și corectă a diagnosticului de lichen mixedematos necesită o vigilență sporită datorită posibilității asocierii cu manifestări extracutanate și stări canceroase. Diagnosticul se bazează pe patru criterii: prezența leziunilor papulare, sclerodermoide generalizate; depunerilor de mucină, proliferarea fibroblastică; gammopatia monoclonală, absența disfuncțiilor tiroidiene

    Micro and Nano Structuring as Method to Enhance the Functional Properties of Starch-Based Polymeric Materials

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    The use of starch, the second most abundant natural resource in the word, as polymer is unprofitable and limited by certain functional properties. The structuring of multiphase polymeric materials represents the process of diminishing the dispersed phases till micro-and/or nano-dimensions and the positioning of the resulted fields in an order through which the properties of interest are achieved as far as possible. The structuring is reached by controlling the interface properties for achieving physical, chemical, biological or rheological compatibilization, mainly by melt compounding procedure. The chapter proves that the structuring of starch-based multiphases polymeric systems by reactive compatibilization is a good possibility to guarantee the functional properties, required by sustainable applications, of interest even in 2050 perspective. The chapter underlines also that the structuring by reactive compatibilization is connected with the formulation designing and choosing of the melt-compounding conditions in such a manner for the chemical bonding of the minority phases with the main polymeric matrix and therefore increasing the component miscibility and the functional properties of the resulted materials till the requirements of the sustainable applications


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Lichenul mixedematos, cunoscut și sub numele de mucinoză papuloasă este o patologie cutanată rară, cu evoluție cronică, progresivă, caracterizată prin prezența depozitelor de mucină la nivelul pielii. Scopul lucrării. Prezentarea unui caz clinic rar întâlnit în practica medicală, de lichen mixedematos la un pacient aflat în detenție. Material și Metode. A fost examinat pacientul cu acuze la leziuni cutanate diseminate. Anamnestic primele leziuni au apărut aproximativ cu 5-6 luni în urmă, pe membre, fără senzații subiective, care mai apoi au diseminat. A fost examinat obiectiv și paraclinic (analiza generală a sângelui/urinei, coagulograma, analiza biochimică, RPR, markerii hepatitei virale, hormonii tiroidieni, ultrasonografia abdominală, testul la HIV, examen histopatologic). Rezultate. Obiectiv se atestă multiple papule eritematoase, infiltrative, simetrice, grupate, cu diametrul de 1-4 mm, cu tendință spre confluere, localizate difuz pe față, trunchi, părțile extensorii a membrelor superioare, membrele inferioare. A fost depistat HIV pozitiv și Ag HBs pozitiv. Funcția tiroidiană în normă; restul investigațiilor fără devieri considerabile. La examenul histopatologic s-au determinat depozite de mucină, proliferare fibroblastică în dermul reticular și hipoderm; infiltrat limfocitar perivascular ușor. Concluzii. Stabilirea precoce și corectă a diagnosticului de lichen mixedematos necesită o vigilență sporită datorită posibilității asocierii cu manifestări extracutanate și stări canceroase. Diagnosticul se bazează pe patru criterii: prezența leziunilor papulare, sclerodermoide generalizate; depunerilor de mucină, proliferarea fibroblastică; gammopatia monoclonală, absența disfuncțiilor tiroidiene.Background. Lichen myxedematosus, also known as papular mucinosis is a rare skin pathology, with chronic and progressive evolution, characterized by the presence of mucin deposits on the skin. Objective of the study. Presentation of a rare clinical case in the medical practice of lichen myxedematosus in a detained patient. Material and Methods. The patient complained of disseminated skin lesions. From anamnesis the first lesions appeared about 5-6 months ago, on the limbs, without subjective sensations, which then spread. Objective and paraclinical examination were provided (general blood/urine analysis, coagulogram, biochemical analysis, RPR, viral hepatitis markers, thyroid hormones, abdominal ultrasonography, HIV test, histopathological examination). Results. Multiple erythematous, infiltrative, symmetrical grouped papules, having a diameter of 1-4 mm, with confluence tendency, were diffusely located on the face, trunk, extensible parts of the upper limbs and lower limbs. The patient was diagnosed HIV and HBs Ag positive. The thyroid function was normal and the rest of the investigations showed no considerable deviations. Histopathology examination revealed mucin deposits and fibroblast proliferation in the reticular dermis, the hypodermis; and a mild perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate. Conclusion. Early and correct diagnosis of lichen myxedematosus requires increased vigilance due to the possibility of association with extracutaneous manifestations and cancerous conditions. The diagnosis is based on four criteria: generalized papular and sclerodermoid lesions; mucin deposition, fibroblast proliferation, and fibrosis in the histopathology; monoclonal gammopathy and no thyroid disorders